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The Mass and Day of Celebration in Honor of Saint Pio for 2011 for San Diego was held again this year at the Santa Sophia Parish in Spring Valley, CA on Sunday, Sept 25.
The celebration began at 1:30 p.m. with an inspirational documentary video on St. Pio.
Father Louis Solcia, CRSP, the Spiritual Director of the San Diego Padre Pio Prayer Group, led the Holy Hour at 2:30 p.m., which included the Holy Rosary, prayers of Padre Pio, and Benediction.
At 3:30 p.m. Father Mario Elias, Pastor of St. Columba Parish, gave an inspirational talk, “In Imitation of Saint Pio“, which was well-received by all.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass followed at 4:15 p.m. with the Most Reverend Bishop Gilbert Chavez as presider and homilist. He encouraged us to meditate upon the life of Padre Pio through his Prayers, and the Litany of St. Pio
Sacred Music and Hymns were offered by the Peace and Harmony Choir.
Following the Mass, there was an indoor procession with relics of Padre Pio. Then Bishop Chavez gave a final blessing to all those present with a one of the relics.
A large pictoral history of the life of Padre Pio was on display in the church.
In honor of Padre Pio’s life of charity, all were requested to bring a non-perishable food item. Volunteers from “Mission Concerns” were on hand to collect the food. Mission Concerns has been helping the poor in San Diego and Tijuana, Mexico for more than 30 years. “Thank you” on behalf of those in need who will benefit from your generosity.
A large Padre Pio bookstore was open throughout the afternoon
Our monetary collection on this day of celebration in honor of St. Pio will be sent to Padre Pio’s hospital, “The Home for the Relief of Suffering” in San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy.
Father Elias’ talk, and Bishop Chavez’ homily were recorded and you may listen to them from the audio presentations section of this website.
Padre Pio Devotions in San Diego, California
Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church
The 1st Monday of every month the Padre Pio Prayer Group of San Diego meets at Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church. The church is located at the corner of State and Date Streets near downtown San Diego. Our Devotions begin with the a Holy Hour at 6:00 pm, with the Holy Rosary and prayers for priests. Mass begins at 7 o’clock, followed by Benediction. Special prayers that are included in our Devotions are: Padre Pio’s “Prayer After Communion”; “Prayer for the Intercession of Saint Pio of Pietrelcina”; and the “Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.” The recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet follows the Mass. Padre Pio books, holy cards, and videos are available for purchase after the Devotions.
Going South on Interstate 5: take Front St. exit, turn right on Cedar St., then right on State St.
Going North on Interstate 5: take Hawthorne St. exit, turn left on Columbia St., then left on Date St.
St. Anne Catholic Church
The 3rd Monday of every month the Padre Pio Prayer Group meets at
St. Anne Catholic Church. The church is located at 621 Sicard St, at the corner of Irving St., near S. 28th St. in San Diego. The format and time for the devotions is the same as at Our Lady of the Rosary except that the Holy Mass is in Latin.
Going South on Interstate 5: take the 28th St exit, merge onto S 27th St, turn right at National Ave, turn left at S 28th St, turn left at Irving Ave, then left at Sicard St
Going South on Interstate 15: take Interstate 5 North, then follow directions below
Going North on Interstate 5L: from National City take exit 13B for National Ave, turn left at National Av, turn right at S 28th St, turn left at Irving Ave, turn left at Sicard St