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We make a quiet act of faith; we believe in God, we believe in God’s interest in us, and we believe that he sees and hears us. We accept his will in all its details, especially in the dereliction which we experience. We put our whole reliance on the prayer of Christ of whom we are members, and with whom we have all things in common, especially his prayer. We rely on the spirit of Christ, who is within us and prays in us in an ineffable way. In other words, we quietly and gently begin to abandon ourselves, and to unite ourselves to Christ, by relying on him alone. He is our all . . . He is working for our detachment from all creatures – even from ourselves. All his providence is directed to that end. We can be just as much attached to our spiritual goods and attainments, to our spiritual joys and powers, as we can be to the temporal. For complete union with God, and for the bearing of ‘more fruit’ these attachments must be purged.
– Father Eugene Boylan, O.C.S.O.