Today’s Reflection January 30

We all work for results. We do not perhaps recognize the aim of our strivings at success. But we want to see our work issue in results which will gratify us and bring commendation or notice to us. We can do this even in the pursuit of holiness. But to work for results is not the same as to do God’s will. This attitude of mind is due partly to our criterion of success . . . It is due partly to our pride . . . God has given us this life for one purpose, that is to prepare for the vision of him hereafter. This means that he expects us to use life to bring about a radical change within ourselves. This change involves principally that we learn to do his will because it is his will. That is holiness. Anything else is a form of self-seeking. We do not say that it is sinful, but it is selfish. And it will not sanctify us.

– Father Nivard Kinsella, O.C.S.O.

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