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Solitude is not a solution but a direction. The echo of this direction is heard in the prophet Elijah, who did not find God in the mighty wind, or the earthquake, or the fire, but in the still, small voice . . . Every time we enter into solitude, we withdraw from our windy, tornado-like, fiery lives and we open ourselves for the great encounter, the meeting with Love. But first in our solitude is the discovery of our own restlessness, our drivenness, our compulsiveness, our urge to act quickly, to make an impact, and to have influence . . . But when we persevere with the help of a gentle discipline, we slowly come to hear the still, small voice and to feel the delicate breeze, and so come to know the presence of Love. This Love goes straight to the heart, making us see the truth of who we really are. We are God’s beloved children.
– Henri Nouwen