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We must learn to trust God, because this is what Christ taught. He told us to live in the present. His whole teaching stresses that idea. He tells us not to save up, or make any provision for the future, to live in the moment. But we seldom do so. . . No, we grieve because of what tomorrow may bring . . . But trust does not mean believing that God will spare us from suffering . . . To trust God means that we must know that whatever comes to us comes from his hand . . . Christ says, Take no thought of tomorrow. He also says, Take up your cross daily. There is no need, in accepting sorrow, to look ahead, to imagine tomorrow, to ask for more or less, but just as we receive our joy day by day, so can we receive our sorrow day by day, and it will be measured day by day, by the love of God and our own littleness . . . To look for God’s gift in the moment is the way to learn to trust.
Caryll Houselander