Today’s Reflection May 23

Once we have grasped the true nature of prayer we won’t need a lot of instruction about how to comport ourselves. There are no techniques to learn. If we are wanting God and not ourselves there will be no problem at all. I will always know what to do and never be upset or thrown by what I feel or don’t feel. Asking nothing for myself – no feedback, no assurances beyond what Jesus himself has promised – I will persevere through thick and thin. He has said that if I ask I will receive, that if I seek I will find, and that when I knock, the door is opened. I believe him. I am sure that all is well, that God is doing everything for me, that Jesus is praying in me. I don’t ask to see the gift in my hand. . . I have staked my all on the God who never disappoints.

Sister Ruth Burrows, O.C.D.

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