Today’s Reflection August 26

Jesus is preeminently the Good Shepherd. . .Each soul can say: Jesus knows me and loves me, not in a general abstract way, but in the concrete aspect of my needs, of my desires, and of my life; for him to know me and to love me is to do me good, to encompass me…

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Today’s Reflection August 25

Being holy means living exactly as our Father in heaven wants us to live. You will say that it is difficult. It is. The ideal is a very high one. And yet it is also easy. It is within our reach. When a person becomes ill, there may be no appropriate medicine. But in supernatural…

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Today’s Reflection August 24

Joy does not depend on acclaim, advancement, promotion, recognition, fame, prestige, or power. Joy can never come from without. It can only come from the Lord who plants it deep within us. If our joy is contingent upon affirmation, success or career, it is planted in sand and will never endure. Actually, our joy should…

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Today’s Reflection August 23

The dream of creating a ‘new heaven and a new earth’ lives on. It is not determined by my age, my health, or my degrees, but by my heart and the burning desire to act for God, to make God’s love and healing presence visible in a hurting world. I can do something, now, in…

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Today’s Reflection August 19

Once I have confronted and accepted – as far as possible – that I am a needy person, the act of turning toward God is relatively easy. It is not faith in God that is hard, but the renunciation of illusory faith in myself. To turn toward God means, first, turning away from whatever is…

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Today’s Reflection August 18

When for one reason or another, we contemplate the reality of death, it is not uncommon that we begin to think about the sin and failure in our past. And, for many, this thought can be a cause of great unhappiness and even despair. After all, the past is past, we are told; it can…

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Today’s Reflection August 17

Dear Lord, free me from my dark past, into which I often find myself falling as if into a deep cistern. . . . Keep showing me your light, and give me the strength to rise and follow you without ever looking back. – Henri J. M. Nouwen

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Today’s Reflection August 16

It is in time that I am able to do good to my neighbor, that I am able to love and help him…It is only along the path of my passing days that I am able to meet the suffering soul and to give a word of comfort and hope. Time is valuable, because it…

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Today’s Reflection August 15

In Scripture, death is called the ‘day of calamity’ (Dt. 32:35). This is because, on the day we die, we shall lose all our earthly possessions – honors, riches, pleasures. Saint Ambrose says that we cannot take them into eternity. But our acts of virtue, the good things which we have done during life, will…

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Today’s Reflection August 14

Blessed are those who do one thing at a time, but do it well; blessed are those who do well that which they do, be it something of great importance or not; blessed are those who do little things with diligence, because they will do even great things well. What are we looking for when…

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