Posts by Padre Pio Devotions
Today’s Reflection June 22
O Lord, what is the trust that I can have in this life, or what is my greatest solace among all things under heaven? Is it not you, my Lord God, whose mercy is without measure? When have things been well with me without you, and when have things not been well with me if…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection June 21
Whatever be my age, whatever the number of my years, I am ever narrowing the interval between time and eternity. I am ever changing in myself . . . I know O my God, I must change, if I am to see thy face. I must undergo the change of death. Body and soul must…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection June 20
The evening before Jacob (of the Old Testament) was to meet his brother and attempt a reconciliation, he fell asleep beside a river. Such perfect virtue makes a soul quiet, peaceful, unchanging. This is what our Lord meant by his words, ‘I leave you peace, my peace I give you.’ . . Those who are…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection June 19
It’s true Lord that you are always thinking of us. From the beginning of time, before we existed, even before the world existed, you have been dreaming of me, thinking of me, loving me. And it is true that your love created me. It’s true Lord, that you have conceived for my life a unique…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection June 18
The Word of God is not a word to apply in our daily lives at some later date; it is a word to heal us through, and in our listening, here and now. The questions therefore are: How does God come to me as I listen to the Word? Where do I discern the healing…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection June 17
In all his dealings with us, the Lord teaches us how to live on this earth. There is not a person in this world who is not a voyager, even if not all are anxious to return to the Homeland. In the course of this voyage, the waves and the storms make us seasick. At…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection June 16
In the degrees of humility, there is always a question of the inner person, the heart. We progress to the interior, where I know myself and know that I am known by God . . . This knowledge is always an awareness of my ‘creatureliness’ – that is, I have not brought myself into being,…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection June 15
What does poverty of spirit mean? It is my awareness that I cannot save myself, that I am basically defenseless, that neither money nor power will spare me from suffering and death’¦.Poverty of spirit is my awareness that I need God’s help and mercy more than I need anything else. Poverty of spirit is getting…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection June 14
Little by little we are able to hear the still, small voice in the hurricane, the earthquake, or the fire. God is hidden in difficulties. If we can find him there, we will never lose him. Without difficulties, we do not know the power of God’s mercy and the incredible destiny he has for each…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection June 13
Solitude is not a solution but a direction. The echo of this direction is heard in the prophet Elijah, who did not find God in the mighty wind, or the earthquake, or the fire, but in the still, small voice . . . Every time we enter into solitude, we withdraw from our windy, tornado-like,…
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