Today’s Reflection July 31

We would envy our religious brothers and sisters if we too could ‘die to ourselves’ a little more each day. However, for us, the tiny circumstances of life are faithful ‘superiors.’ They do not leave us alone for a moment. When we surrender to them without resistance, we find ourselves wonderfully liberated from ourselves. From the moment we wake up, these circumstances take hold of us. It is the telephone that rings; it is the key that won’t work, the bus that doesn’t arrive or arrives full . . . It’s the daily routine, one chore that leads to another, some job we wouldn’t have chosen. It’s being cold, or being hot; it’s the headache or the toothache. For us, the ordinary people of the streets, obedience means bending to the ways of our times whenever they are not harmful . . . When we live with others, obedience also means we set aside our own tastes and leave things in the place others have put them. When we thus become accustomed to giving up our will to so many tiny things, we will no longer find it hard, when the occasion presents itself, to do the will of our boss, our husband, or our parents.

– Madeleine Delbrel

Today’s Reflection July 30

The kingdom of God is where man is in a state of grace and all things move in Divine order. Human needs are met by God’s abundance, human limitations are dissolved by God’s power, human rashness is tamed by God’s discipline – all this is part of the kingdom of God. . .Contact with God is the one thing that gives sense and satisfaction to our lives and God is always ready and waiting. . .The kingdom of God is grace, which is why we pray for it; but the grace of God so often stands at the door and knocks without finding anyone to open.

– Father Alfred Delp, S.J.


Today’s Reflection March 7

Let us make an unconditional surrender of self to God, and seek to do a little more for him than is strictly required. Let us say, “Lord, you are enough for me; you and your cross.” The cross in some form or other will always be with us. It may come from our superiors. It may come from our brethren. It may come from our body or our soul. Certainly it will come from ourselves for our self-love is our greatest cross. But let us bear all crosses cheerfully, and thank God for each.

– Father Frederic Dunne, O.C.S.O.

Todays Reflection August 31

If we really loved the good God, we should make it our joy and happiness to come and spend a few moments to adore him, and ask him for the grace of forgiveness, and we should regard those moments as the happiest of our lives.
– St. John Vianney

Padre Pio Devotions Latest Book
They Walked with God: St. Bernadette Soubirous, St. John Vianney, St. Damien of Molokai, St. Andre Bessette, Bl. Solanus Casey

Today’s Reflection February 26

God is always wanting to come closer to us, and in his eyes the whole of our span of mortal life is meant to make us accustomed to his nearness. God loves us and love is always humble and respectful; it will not force itself upon the beloved. . .All that has gone before is an attempt to show how, in our ordinary daily lives we should respond to God, surrendering to his loving concern for us and his loving will to give himself. It is not a part-time thing, it covers and must cover the whole span of our lives. It is the beginning on earth of our life in heaven. It is prayer: God incessantly giving himself, man opening himself to this gift.

– Sister Ruth Burrows, O.C.D.

Today’s Reflection Sept. 9

To be a child of love, is to sacrifice oneself to the love of God for the conversion of sinners . . . If we had to pray hundreds of years in order to have a man brought back to the love of God, we would have reason enough to rejoice on account of it . . . Ask God that all your actions, from the beginning of your existence, be actions of love for God, performed in union with the sorrowful passion of Jesus.

– Father Paul of Moll, O.S.B.

Today’s Reflection

I desire to love you, O my God, with a love that is patient,
with a love that abandons itself wholly to you,
with a love that acts, and most important of all, with a
love that perseveres. Just as one who loves a creature
thinks of him often, so let the lover of God have him often
in his thoughts. The mirror into which we must look in
order to attain divine love is Jesus Christ. If the actions of
our neighbors had a hundred sides, we ought to look at
them on the best side. When an action is blameworthy, we
should strive to see the good intentions behind it. Let us
do everything for love and, remembering that love longs
for love alone, nothing can appear hard to us.

– St. Theresa Margaret of the Sacred Heart

Today’s Reflection

Today is the Feast Day of St. Pio of Pietrelcina

O Lord, we ask for boundless confidence and
trust in your Divine Mercy, and the courage to accept the
crosses and sufferings which bring immense goodness to
our souls and that of your Church. Help us to love you
with a pure and contrite heart, and to humble ourselves
beneath your cross, as we climb the mountain of holiness,
carrying our cross that leads to heavenly glory. May we
receive you with great faith and love in Holy Communion,
and allow you to act in us as you desire for your greater
glory. O Jesus, most adorable Heart and eternal fountain
of Divine Love, may our prayer find favor before the
Divine Majesty of your Heavenly Father. Amen

– St. Pio of Pietrelcina

Today’s Reflection September 5

Lord, don’t give me riches, don’t give me a long
or a short life, don’t give me powers on earth that make
one drunk with power, don’t give me the madness of
idolatry of the false idols of this world. Cleanse me, Lord.
Cleanse my intentions and give me the true wisdom of
discernment, so that I may be able to distinguish between
good and evil . . .

– Archbishop Oscar Romero