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My dear friend, in the body I am at Nazareth but in spirit I have been at Bethlehem for the last month. As I write to you I feel as though I am with Mary and Joseph beside the crib. It is good to be there. Outside are the cold and the snow, images of the world, but in the little cave, lit by the light of Jesus, it is sweet and warm and light. Father Abbot asks me what it is the Divine Child whispers to me all this month as I watch at his feet at night between his holy parents, when he comes into my arms and enters into my heart in Holy Communion. He says over and over again, ‘The will of God, the will of God. Behold I come.” In the beginning of the book of life it is written that I should do Thy will. The will of God and the will of God through obedience, this is what the beloved voice of the Divine Child gently murmurs to me.
– Blessed Charles de Foucauld