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We should attach no importance either to the events of this life or to material things; they are the dreams of a night spent at an inn, and will vanish as quickly as images seen in dreams, leaving no more traces than they do . . . We must see things as they are, in the great light of the faith which illumines our thoughts with daylight so bright that we see things with an eye very different from that of poor souls tied to the world. Like faith itself, the habit of seeing things in the light of faith raises us above the mists and mud of this world. At every moment of our lives, in time and in eternity, we must live by faith, believing in what grace leads us to hope for, expecting to possess it in glory, loving Him who will be ‘our infinite reward.’
– Blessed Charles de Foucauld
A New Book from Padre Pio Devotions:
They Walked with God Book 2: St. Teresa of Calcutta, St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe, St. John Bosco