Posts by Padre Pio Devotions
Today’s Reflection November 3
St. Paul teaches that this life of ours is like traveling abroad from our home country. He says, “As long as we are in the body, we are traveling away from the Lord” (Corinthians 2:5-6). Since we are still traveling in a foreign land, we ought to keep in mind what our home country is…
Read MoreAll Souls Day – November 2
The day which the Church dedicates to the dead, All Souls Day, is a day of hope. The figure of this world passes, its concupiscence passes, but he who does God’s will dwells in eternity. In the cemeteries, the fields of sleep and rest, already the house of the Eternal is revealed. All Souls Day…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection – November 1
All Saints Day We should foster a social consciousness which will help us to meet the needs of our neighbors, and to discern and seek to remove the sources of injustice in society. No human anxiety or sorrow should leave the disciples of Jesus Christ indifferent. But the world needs more than just social reformers.…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection October 31
The best preparation I can make for death is to live the reality of the Paschal mystery as fully and as deeply as possible in union with Christ, because Christ will re-live that mystery in me at the hour of my death. If I am following the spirituality of the Paschal mystery, I expect to…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection October 30
What does poverty of spirit mean? It is my awareness that I cannot save myself, that I am basically defenseless, that neither money nor power will spare me from suffering and death. . .Poverty of spirit is my awareness that I need God’s help and mercy more than I need anything else. Poverty of spirit…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection October 29
The important thing is not to do a lot or to do everything. The important thing is to be ready for anything, at all times; to be convinced that when we are serving the poor, we are really serving God. . .We all have the duty to serve God where we are called to do…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection October 28
Our Lord presents the perfect image of what we must become: a son of God and his own brother or sister. This is no longer a dream; it means that we have made a preliminary contact with a reality that will show us the way to go and give us the strength to travel. A…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection October 27
There is death which is separation of body and soul – physical death. But there is also a death which is separation between man and God. This is spiritual death. Spiritual death befalls a person who deliberately chooses to live as if God did not exist . . . This spiritual life, sometimes called supernatural…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection October 26
How does a lamp burn? Through the continuous input of small drops of oil. If the drops of oil run out, the light of the lamp will cease, and the bridegroom will say, ‘I do not know you’ (Mt. 25:1-13). What are these drops of oil in our lamps? They are the small things of…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection October 25
Be recollected; whoever pours himself out on exterior things quickly loses the graces he has acquired. A full jewel box is always kept closed. Humility: Avoid all those words which can draw down on you glory, esteem, or the appreciation of others. Let us listen unwillingly (without interest or reflection) and with interior reluctance to…
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