Posts by Padre Pio Devotions
Today’s Reflection August 7
You who are beyond time, Lord, you know what you are doing. You make no mistakes in your distribution of time to men. . .But we must not lose time, waste time, or kill time, for time is a gift that you give us. . .The time that you give me, the years of my…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection August 6
You know that God is everywhere . . . that is to say, wherever God is, there is heaven. Remember how St. Augustine tells us about his seeking God in many places and eventually finding him within himself. Do you suppose it is of little importance that a soul which is often distracted should come…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection August 5
I have tried to live the gospel and to follow the monastic life each day. I have tried to spend time with God in thought and prayer and reading. God and I have been friends, I might even say,lovers. We live together. My life is in him and he is in my life. It is…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection August 4
Nothing is more essential than the love of God. It is the first of all virtues, a virtue so necessary, that without it we shall never get to heaven; and it is in order to love God that we are on the earth . . . But the misfortune is that we lavish our love…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection August 3
Trials are not only good for us, but necessary for our spiritual growth, especially if endured with the right disposition. During hard times, God helps us see that control is really an illusion. We’re not in charge. Our lives don’t even belong to us. We would cease to exist if the Holy Spirit stopped actively…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection August 2
Remember always that the Son of God remained unrecognized. That is our aim, and that is what he asks of us now, for the future, and for always, unless he shows us, by some method of his which we cannot mistake, that he wants something else of us. Pay homage to the everyday life led…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection August 1
The promised land, brimming with delights, is a scriptural metaphor for God himself and for the transfigured existence of man with God. God draws us through the desert of this life, to himself. He stands at the far side of the desert experience, as the risen Jesus stood in the dawn light on the shore…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection July 31
We would envy our religious brothers and sisters if we too could ‘die to ourselves’ a little more each day. However, for us, the tiny circumstances of life are faithful ‘superiors.’ They do not leave us alone for a moment. When we surrender to them without resistance, we find ourselves wonderfully liberated from ourselves. From…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection July 30
The kingdom of God is where man is in a state of grace and all things move in Divine order. Human needs are met by God’s abundance, human limitations are dissolved by God’s power, human rashness is tamed by God’s discipline – all this is part of the kingdom of God. Contact with God is…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection July 29
If . . . you know your own need for mercy, then your eyes will be turned on God. You will be able to be the instrument of his own gift of pity, and so you will give new heart to others. You will not only console but strengthen and sustain. Happy are the merciful,…
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