Posts by Padre Pio Devotions
Today’s Reflection November 9
The Word of God is not a word to apply in our daily lives at some later date; it is a word to heal us through, and in our listening, here and now. The questions therefore are: How does God come to me as I listen to the Word? Where do I discern the healing…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection November 8
Jesus, Master, sanctify my mind and increase my faith. Jesus, teaching in the Church, draw everyone to yourself. Jesus, Master, deliver me from error, empty thoughts and eternal blindness. Jesus, Way between the Father and ourselves, I offer you everything and await all from you. Jesus, Way of sanctity, help me to imitate you faithfully.…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection November 7
Jesus has done ninety-nine percent of what is necessary to make us saints. He is quite prepared to do the other one percent, but we will not let him. What did he cry for over Jerusalem? How often I would have gathered your children together, as a hen gathers her young under her wings, but…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection November 6
The important thing is not to do a lot or to do everything. The important thing is to be ready for anything, at all times; and to be convinced that when we serve the poor, we are really serving God. . .We all have the duty to serve God where we are called to do…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection November 5
To be enlightened is to know that heaven is not ‘coming to me.’ Heaven is here. We have simply not been able to realize that yet because, like King Arthur and his search for the Holy Grail, we look in all the wrong places, worship all the wrong idols, get fixated on all the wrong…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection November 4
Remember that your soul is a temple of the living God. The kingdom of God is within you. Night and day let your aim be to remain in simplicity and gentleness, calmness and serenity, and in freedom from created things, so that you will find your joy in the Lord Jesus. Love silence and solitude,…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection November 3
St. Paul teaches that this life of ours is like traveling abroad from our home country. He says, “As long as we are in the body, we are traveling away from the Lord” (Corinthians 2:5-6). Since we are still traveling in a foreign land, we ought to keep in mind what our home country is…
Read MoreAll Souls Day – November 2
The day which the Church dedicates to the dead, All Souls Day, is a day of hope. The figure of this world passes, its concupiscence passes, but he who does God’s will dwells in eternity. In the cemeteries, the fields of sleep and rest, already the house of the Eternal is revealed. All Souls Day…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection – November 1
All Saints Day We should foster a social consciousness which will help us to meet the needs of our neighbors, and to discern and seek to remove the sources of injustice in society. No human anxiety or sorrow should leave the disciples of Jesus Christ indifferent. But the world needs more than just social reformers.…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection October 31
The best preparation I can make for death is to live the reality of the Paschal mystery as fully and as deeply as possible in union with Christ, because Christ will re-live that mystery in me at the hour of my death. If I am following the spirituality of the Paschal mystery, I expect to…
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