Today’s Reflection November 19

Joy does not depend on acclaim, advancement, promotion, recognition, fame, prestige, or power. Joy can never come from without. It can only come from the Lord who plants it deep within us. If our joy is contingent upon affirmation, success or career, it is planted in sand and will never endure. Actually, our joy should…

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Today’s Reflection November 18

Our Lord presents the perfect image of what we must become. . .His own brother or sister. This is no longer a dream; it means that we have made a preliminary contact with a reality that will show us the way to go and give us the strength to travel. A dream which is a…

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Today’s Reflection November 17

Little by little we are able to hear the still, small voice in the hurricane, the earthquake, or the fire. God is hidden in difficulties. If we can find him there, we will never lose him. Without difficulties, we do not know the power of God’s mercy and the incredible destiny he has for each…

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Today’s Reflection November 16

When for one reason or another, we contemplate the reality of death, it is not uncommon that we begin to think about the sin and failure in our past. And, for many, this thought can be a cause of great unhappiness and even despair. After all, the past is past, we are told; it can…

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Today’s Reflection November 15

Mother Teresa and her Sisters visited the very poor and infirm in their homes in Australia. One elderly man that they visited was very much alone and isolated. Mother Teresa offered to clean his house for him because it was disorderly and dirty but he told her it wasn’t necessary. Finally, she convinced him to…

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Today’s Reflection November 14

It’s true Lord that you are always thinking of us. From the beginning of time, before we existed, even before the world existed, you have been dreaming of me, thinking of me, loving me. And it is true that your love created me. It’s true Lord, that you have conceived for my life a unique…

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Today’s Reflection November 13

Being holy means living exactly as our Father in heaven wants us to live. You will say that it is difficult. It is. The ideal is a very high one. And yet it is also easy. It is within our reach. When a person becomes ill, there may be no appropriate medicine. But in supernatural…

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Today’s Reflection November 12

We look around us at a world of noise and frenzied activity, of blaring voices in the media clamoring for attention, and millions of daily words poured out in print demanding to be read. We see the streets of our cities crowded with people and moving vehicles. We look at the sky and see planes…

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Today’s Reflection November 11

Complete freedom from fear is one of those things we owe wholly to Our Lord. To be afraid is to do him a double injury. First, it is to forget him, to forget that that he is with us, that he loves us and is himself almighty, and second it is to fail to bend…

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Today’s Reflection November 10

There is for every soul which has really learned to love our Blessed Lord and to abide in his love, a fortress of inner peace which no assault from the world can enter, no echo of the world’s anxieties can disturb. The soul which has learned to practice the presence of Christ, and to be…

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