Posts by Padre Pio Devotions
Today’s Reflection June 29
It’s true Lord that you are always thinking of us. From the beginning of time, before we existed, even before the world existed, you have been dreaming of me, thinking of me, loving me. And it is true that your love created me. It’s true Lord, that you have conceived for my life a unique…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection June 28
Whenever things go wrong, the first casualty is always hope. It is fragile, like rare cut glass. We can lose it so easily. St. Paul tells us that, for those who follow Christ, there is Someone who protects and saves our hope; the Father of Jesus. St. Paul tells us that our hope is safe…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection June 27
Man’s great, true hope which holds firm in spite of all disappointments can only be God – God who has loved us and who continues to love us “to the end,” until all “is finished.” Whoever is moved by love begins to perceive what “life” really is. Life in its true sense is not something…
Read MoreTodays Reflection June 26
What precisely is our purpose? If we do not know the answer, we are wearing ourselves out for nothing. A traveler without a route suffers all the exhaustion of his journey and gets nowhere. The aim of our journey is the kingdom of God, the kingdom of Heaven. And our purpose must be purity of…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection June 25
Prayer is the place of refuge for every worry, a foundation for joy, a source of constant happiness, a protection aginst sadness. -St. John Chrysostom
Read MoreToday’s Reflection June 24
We believe that doing little things for God is as much a way of loving him as doing great deeds. Besides, we are not very well informed about the greatness of our acts. There are nevertheless two things we know for sure: first, whatever we do can’t help but be small; and second, whatever God…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection June 23
Lord, you know that you alone are the life of my soul, my highest love, my light, my God, my all. Without you life is so dead, so empty. Without you, Lord, life is not worth living. – Blessed Pauline von Mallinekrodt
Read MoreToday’s Reflection June 22
O Lord, what is the trust that I can have in this life, or what is my greatest solace among all things under heaven? Is it not you, my Lord God, whose mercy is without measure? When have things been well with me without you, and when have things not been well with me if…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection June 21
Whatever be my age, whatever the number of my years, I am ever narrowing the interval between time and eternity. I am ever changing in myself . . . I know O my God, I must change, if I am to see thy face. I must undergo the change of death. Body and soul must…
Read MoreToday’s Reflection June 20
The evening before Jacob (of the Old Testament) was to meet his brother and attempt a reconciliation, he fell asleep beside a river. Such perfect virtue makes a soul quiet, peaceful, unchanging. This is what our Lord meant by his words, ‘I leave you peace, my peace I give you.’ . . Those who are…
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