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Whatever the work with which you have been entrusted, as a religious, as a layperson, it is a means for you to put your love for God in a living action, in an action of love. Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing. So if I want to know how much I love Christ, if I want to know if I am really in love with God, then I have only to look at how I do the work he has entrusted to me – how much love I put into the doing of that work. You see, it is not the work in itself that is our vocation. Our vocation is to belong totally to Jesus. What you are doing, I may not be able to do. What I am doing, you may not be able to do. But all of us together are doing something beautiful for God.

– Mother Teresa of Calcutta